Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pictures & Video


As promise some pictures. Thanks to Ayeen. I tried to upload a video of Makchu eating satay but not successful.....

Waaa............dont tell me dah jangkit penyakit Didi...Rabun IT....no...no...no... Khairiyyah help me.

This is picture of Lyn Damia. (rasanya betul kot nama dia .... hahaha ...lol..lol ) we call her Mia je. Sekarang dia dah best friend dengan I ..hehehe coz I dont disturb her anymore...well I like to disturb the elder sister now.... Batrisyia..)

Remember my earlier post on the girls yang giler glamor.... well on of them is Khairiyyah and this picture below ------- Khairiyyah 2 sisters. So..so...so different.
Funny in one family.. they are really extreme in terms of behaviour. Sampai tutup-tutup muka coz camera shy.... or ???????!!!!!@@@@@ just @@!!!!!!****????!!!

Tapi kan bila tengok betul2 .... gambar ni macam ala-ala minah indon kene tangkap basah je.
Nampak tak hair clip warna biru tu... sebijik macam minah indo kat hotel Jalan Chow Kit.. (hehehhe...lol..lol jangan marah....)

Ini pulak gambar Ayeen and friends... I think she the one in white t-shirt. Ntahla.!!!!! maybe not.

Ok.... that's all for now... will update more pictures...provided Ayeen help.



dd said...

aikkk...si mia ni dah jdi best frenzzz maksu daaa...cute gak mia nie tpi kcil2 cili padi...hehehe

dd said...

btoi ker tu si ayeen???...si dbl k tu memang pyah nak nmpak n brgambar tpi...2org anak sedara yg very the sporting n talented.