Monday, October 6, 2008


Hi semua....

Lama sungguh rasanya tak tulis kat blog ni....have been very very busy...

So this post, I'll update on all the things yang exiting and miss out for the past one a half months.

Well....nak start kat mane pun tak tau

Fasting month ....hectic betul this year. Kuih raya, hamper and tak lupa the juadah berbuka everyday....semua kene buat sendiri.... (in case sesiapa idiot maid run away)

So basically, everyday makan lauk beli je la..... bersahur... shakes HERBALIFE...

Orders for cookies this year pulak banyak (alhamdullilah rezeki)... lucky for me Nina's maid help out with cookies...especially sarang semut... they help to put the creme and chocolate rice.

Towards, the end of Ramadhan we had a lot of buka puasa invitation together with anak yatim.
Hilang rasa letih / penat bila dapat tengok the smile in each of them. Hopefully, next year I would be able to organise something better for them.

Ada gambar tapi not in my camera nantila dulu.

Since the first day of puasa... everyday I've been sleeping almost every nite between 2:00 am - 2:30 am to finish up the orders for cookies. Tidur a few hours and than bangun for bersahur. Nasib baik Amer & Haziran tak fussy... the most important thing mesti ada SHAKE. So tak la susah sangat...

After sahur, I usually try to catch up with a little bit more sleep.... nap actually. Tak sampai 1 jam pun... by 6:30 am kene bangun lagi and get ready to work. Mata pun naik lebam tak cukup tidor....tapi tak pe not always... only during fasting month je....cari duit lebih.

This year my orders seems to be more....

cornflakes je dah - 6000 pcs
sarang semut - 7000 pcs
Makmur - 3000 pcs
Others - 5000 pcs

Alhamdullilah.... selalu untung duit kuih i will always get something new to the house. But this year tak beli apa-apa pun lagi.... Tapi duit habis gitu je.... (I simpan bank the balance...may want to use it for a short holiday year end......but not sure where????????)

Baju raya tempah jahit sampai 5 pasang .... tapi yang boleh pakai 2 je... sebab lagi 4 tu tak de masa nak beli tudung yang tak leh nak pakai.

Opps.... got to go first... will continue in a short while.


1 comment:

dd said...

sbar...sbar...yg psti kuih raya n rendang tok hbis dijual...smoga thun dpan dpat untung bsar lgi yek...hehehe