Ni gambar indonesian maid yang tengah curi-curi minum air.... hehehehe. Just joking this is Khalisyah... trying to hide from the camera....

My favourite sister in-law... (bodek la) hehhehehe.. seriously she's very nice & funny..

Ni pulak... tak leh nak komen banyak, coz she reads the blog quite often.. so .... you know la...
Mak datuk.... banyak nye ambik ikan bakar... sampai penuh pinggang.... tak cukup di tangan kat atas meja pun ada. Oh... by the way.... she's my anak sedara yang "Rabun IT"
But now not so rabun la...

Who is this beautiful lady......

Ni Mia again.. with the only thing that she eats despite all the yummy food we all had that day. Cian.......

Ni gambar Nana - "Duta for all the camera in the world" Hahaha.. She just like to snap photos.. tak jemu-jemu.. but surprisingly during the last Raya BBQ dia lupa nak bawak camera... Can you believe it...

Yang ni pulak...,pinggan penuh dengan satay pun nak control macho lagi....

Kak Mawar - so excited.... yeah... banyak benda nak hidang & makan and Khairiyyah tak de...!!!!! hehehehhe

This is makchu... wow!!! ala model senior citizen lak....

This is Khalillah.... she pose for me....... Cantik gak rupanya...
wow...look at me...slim gak dlm gmbar nie twin dah nmpak chubby best n loving mom...dri anak dara ke mak dara still biasala x hbis2 control macho n mksu...smakin slimmm n very nice n sporting aunty...tq for the support...luv u muahhh... dbl k ni cam slalulah pemalu tpi bila dah join the club bleh than gak kpala dorang 2 aunts...uchu mawar n aunty fuzi...camner nak ckap yek...but also the best aunty to me...tq for the support n tq cz x jemu2 mlayan kerenah luqman tiap kali luqman kat ipoh.
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