Thanks Ayeen for the picture......

Ni gambar the 3 heroes in the family.... my son Amer Eizwann, my nephew P1 and his little brother Amirul...
Why is P1 hiding behind Amer... dont tell me his not wearing his pants... (hehehe..) By the way this is P1's room... so he can do whatever he wants in his room.. including not wearing his pants...
Now whenever we go to Ipoh, Amer will spend most of his time in this room...so the anti-sosial...... he even sleep in this room now.
Last few days.. was so hectic la... asyik open house je... sampai dah gemuk rasanya..(he..he..he)
Walaupun I suka makan Laksa Asam... but due to the festive season... I declare tak nak makan Laksa for at least 2 - 4 months. Every house yang we go...had Laksa for main menu...
Last, Saturday dari pagi sampai ke malam.....Laksa je....giler. Another famous menu for this time around for open house is roast lamb... Ya ampun nak migran jadinye asyik bau kambing je.
Thinking and writting about it pun dah rasa nak muntah....
Every Sunday now, I spend my time packing...nak pindah la konon...
My cousin, Yong came to the house yesterday to take some of the things for her house. Apa kata pun sarat la kerete Savvy dia... most of them baju and barang dapur.
I'm still waiting for Didi to come and collect Amer's old toys for Luqman.... and of coz Ayi the baby's stuff. Kalau dah ambik tu lega la umah sikit. At the moment the house looks like TONGKANG PECAH....
Ok la.... got to do some work....