Ni gambar masa nak pegi klinik... he was all dress up for the special event... Siap pakai topi dari Indonesia lagi...pinjam Papa nye... but he looks very cute...- control macho...

Ni masa tunggu kat klinik....Amirul dah mula panik and resah coz ada seorang budak gemuk tu asyik menanggis takut... and there is one boy yang dah umur 12 tahun pun takut gak nak bersunat... Amirul was the 3rd. boy to go in...
We have to wait almost 1 hour before his turn....

This was immediately after the bersunat... he was all smilling. Tak sakit lagi coz ubat bius tu masih berfungsi...So gladly he pose for this picture...
But his only concern was that he got to pakai seluar dalam forever and ever... and for Amirul this is something not good. He was a bit worry and upset about that....heheehhe

Ni maksu dalam kerete... posing dengan handphone baru Nokia N95 yang uncle ziran menang during golf competition last 2 weeks.... Hahahah I got a new phone... canggih but I tak tau gune sangat lagi.. still new to me..

Ni la gambar smartklam yang di gunakan untuk Amirul masa dia bersunat last week.
Very easy and simple procedure. ....... but I guess still painfull coz Amirul still cry a bit.

Yang ni pulak gambar amirul taken after cucuk ubat kebas... if you notice the hidung ada ala-ala badut sikit due to the cry earlier. But still dia boleh control macho to pose for all of us...
According to Daddy (ayah cik) he was much better than Fizuan ...

This is after the berkhatan (at night) playing with his new toy... biasala dapat upah toy sebab bersunat... terus baik.
Rasanya Amirul je yang bersunat... tapi ramai betul yang kepoh masa dia main with his toy... amer kata dia kena join just to accompany Amirul... Papa pun....issk ..issk

By the way thank to Ayen coz upload the pictures kat Youtube...
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