Last Wednesday was Amer's 12th. birthday. Haziran & I took 1 day off so that we could be with him on his birthday. (so loving and caring kan ...lol..lol.. puji diri sendiri hehehe..)
Anyway, we actually had things line-up to do on that day. First of all...buat I/C .
Ha ..ha.. ha.. not only for Amer but for all 3 of us. Since we are moving to Bangsar end of the year, might as well change the address for our I/C. We do it in Melawati itself... kejap je.
After buat I/C ...we went to Mc Donalds for breakfast. Wow.. did not realize that they have very nice chicken porridge for breakfast.
After breakfast we went to KLCC. Kat sana meet up with my sister (Lily - a.k.a Makcik)
Makcik belanja lunch kat Manhattan Fish Market. Kenyang ya amat ... delicious food of coz.
Lepas lunch kita orang jalan-jalan kat KLCC jap. Haziran belikan Amer bola - (Manchester United) for birthday gift.
After KLCC we went over to Nina'a house (open house). Haziran & Amer stay there while I got myself a good massage at one of the SPA nearby...... Woi.. best giler ...and reasonable $$$$
Last Saturday, Amer ada futsal game with his friend kat Ampang Sport Center - next to Bora Ombak..... Gosh....the jam was very bad.. It took us 2 hours to reach home from Ampang Point to Melawati... (usually ... 10 minit je)
Semalam pulak... 1/2 day mengemas bilik belakang....getting ready to move.
The rest of the day is open house. Mostly are Haziran's family... except for Nani's house.
I must make a point to bring camera and updates this blog with much more colourful pictures.
Have to buangkan habit malas and ambik gambar if I want this blog to be more interesting.
Example .. yesterday if only I have my camera with me.. I could capture the picture of Raja Nazrin's son - Raja Azlan Muzaffar Shah. So cute baby...
Another interesting picture would be one of the house we visited .... besar giler... you could easily get lost in the house..... macam hotel. Siap ada Spa /jakuzi / sauna /gym lagi.
TV room dia macam panggung wayang golden class nye.. siap boleh tido lagi. Rumah tu overlooking padang golf and tasik with colourful fountain at night. The owner is so humble... tak la sombong walaupun kaya raya...
Ok la... need to off jap. Nanti I will try post picture lak.