Just go to know that Amer too has a blog.....
Interesting .....
I must make sure i read it ...like everyday to see his latest update....wakakakaka
It's nice to know that he has a group of good friends ....naughty just like any other children but they respect each other in their own ways....they dont hide their feeling, just let it out...
In a way it is good... meaning they are able to express themselves.
I know quite a number of his friend.......namely
- a malay boy but I never heard him and amer speaking in Malay before.....durrrghhhh
- I like to call her the sweet young gangster....coz I think she's capable of bullying any boys in school
- The JB #1 fan. I think the boys bully her too. She is suppose to be amer's daughter or something..
- She i think is one of the girl football star in the school. Amer and her is taking the same school van ......I think.
- This i think is a combination of 2 names.....and both are suppose to be annoying....ummmmhhhh I must meet up with them and see how annoying can they be...
Brian Wang
-uuuummmmhhhhhh what can i say about this boy.......owh yes now I remember I need to go to his mom's shop for shoes and handbag............I likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,
- He plays hockey for the school....I think.
- the chubby & cute boy....
- Not sure if I get his name right....but his the funny boy that call me a teacher....hahahah do I look like one....I dont think i can be a good one...I would probably spoil my students. They probably bully me just like all my nephew an nieces did...............
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Should I start Blogging Again.....
Ehhhmmm after years of not blogging, I think I want to start again this year..but it would have to start after my holiday trip in Korea this end January..... meaning sometime in February...
So..let us just wait and see if it happend.
So..let us just wait and see if it happend.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Me and Blog yang dah Bersawang
Lamanya tak blog... all because I'm too busy with office work and kat rumah baru tak de internet service lagi. Hopefully by this week or early next week adalah internet. But before that for DIDI yang dok selalu ask me about my blog... I will have to update some stories ...
Gambar pun tak boleh nak upload coz my camera rosak. Eeee....geram betul. I wanted to take a lot of pictures during our holiday at Clubmed Cherating last December. The place - fantastic...
5 hari kita orang tak keluar mana-mana pun... aktiviti and a lot of things to do there...
Ingatkan mesti boring tapi tak...best giler. The food - kalau dah balik KL bila timbang naik 2.5 kilo in just 5 days....bak kata Nabil ...LU PIKIR LA SENDIRI. The package termasuk makan / minum all day long. Amer dok asyik minum kat bar je...manggo juice . Memang sedap pun manggo juice... I like the Baby Monkey Juice.. (manggo + pineapple + pink guava + honey + lime) . Tanggo Juice pun sedap gak (Pineapple + apple +Lime + mint)
Macam-macam juice la yang ada...but we have to be carefull coz some of it ada campur alkahol.
At Clubmed in banyak monkey.....ada one funny story... Uncle Ziran lepas swimming sidai la seluar dalam dia kat balcony bilik.... the next thing we saw the monkey wearing it. Hahahaha...
As usual kalau pegi beach for holiday, I mesti kena bad sunburn. My skin is so sensitif....
Sama la this time.....kulit I macam udang kene bakar...had to go to the clinic for medication.
Malam doctor bagi sleeping pills so that I could get rest and sleep... dah macam monyet je asyik mengaru...sebab kulit yang terbakar tu jadi kering and mengelupas. Apa kata pun enjoy holiday 5 hari.....seksa sunburn 12 hari.... But now if you touch my skin...Fuyooooo macam Baby.....lembut giler... dah jadi macam ular ..salin kulit.
Last December gak... my family from Ipoh came and stay in my house.... Amirul, P1, Ayeen, Mak, Chik, Nacik and Kak Fuzzy. The kids enjoy la...sebab they manage to do a lot of things.
We took the kits for Fish Spa..... amirul was very brave... tapi kelakar tengok muka all of them.
New year we just stay home and tengok bunga api dari tingkap bilik rumah I je.... jelas and the most giler person is definately Amirul la....so exited. P1 and Amer pun lebih kurang je. Ayeen... too bad dia kena paksa tidor by Tok Nani.... cian dia.. she missed it.
On the 2/1/2009, we celebrated Ayeen's birthday at Victoria Station. I suppost it was a wonderful surprise for her when the staff of Victoria Station came out and sing Happy Birthday to her.... Tiba-tiba dia rebahkan badan dia tak Amer....nasib Amer tak "kuntut" kalau tak pengsan kot.
On 3/1/2009 we went for a wedding in Club Darul Ehsan (Faizal punya daughter)
The food was delicious....siap tambah lagi... tak malu coz kat table tu semua family je....heheehehe
Oh...lupa lak ...Entry ni jugak I nak ucapkan TAHNIAH to MUKRIZ coz dah jadi DADDY on 1/1/2009 . Name baby Mizan Danish.... Honestly I like the name Mizan but not Danish....want to know why.....Danish makes me hungry.... Ayi jangan maraaaaa.... Maksu tau Lily yang pilih name tu.....so cute baby. Ayi... sorry tak gi tengok baby lagi... leceh la kat Klang jauh..lagi pun segan nak gi umah mak Lily... bila Ayi balik Ipoh or on the way balik Dungun maksu will see him.
Amer as you all dah tau start sekolah on Monday 5/1/2009. So maksu pun cuti la hari tu..... saje je....
This week dia dah start belajar and all the koko aktiviti in school. Malam pulak dia ada tuition from 8:00 - 10:00 pm. Cian jugak tengok dia his schedule is so thight...but he still helps me around in the house.
Petang je dia and uncle ziran will go for a swim. Jaga badan konon. Maksu lak will just berendam dalam air....hehhehe
OK la... nak buat kerja sikit. My next post will be pictures.... je ok.
Lamanya tak blog... all because I'm too busy with office work and kat rumah baru tak de internet service lagi. Hopefully by this week or early next week adalah internet. But before that for DIDI yang dok selalu ask me about my blog... I will have to update some stories ...
Gambar pun tak boleh nak upload coz my camera rosak. Eeee....geram betul. I wanted to take a lot of pictures during our holiday at Clubmed Cherating last December. The place - fantastic...
5 hari kita orang tak keluar mana-mana pun... aktiviti and a lot of things to do there...
Ingatkan mesti boring tapi tak...best giler. The food - kalau dah balik KL bila timbang naik 2.5 kilo in just 5 days....bak kata Nabil ...LU PIKIR LA SENDIRI. The package termasuk makan / minum all day long. Amer dok asyik minum kat bar je...manggo juice . Memang sedap pun manggo juice... I like the Baby Monkey Juice.. (manggo + pineapple + pink guava + honey + lime) . Tanggo Juice pun sedap gak (Pineapple + apple +Lime + mint)
Macam-macam juice la yang ada...but we have to be carefull coz some of it ada campur alkahol.
At Clubmed in banyak monkey.....ada one funny story... Uncle Ziran lepas swimming sidai la seluar dalam dia kat balcony bilik.... the next thing we saw the monkey wearing it. Hahahaha...
As usual kalau pegi beach for holiday, I mesti kena bad sunburn. My skin is so sensitif....
Sama la this time.....kulit I macam udang kene bakar...had to go to the clinic for medication.
Malam doctor bagi sleeping pills so that I could get rest and sleep... dah macam monyet je asyik mengaru...sebab kulit yang terbakar tu jadi kering and mengelupas. Apa kata pun enjoy holiday 5 hari.....seksa sunburn 12 hari.... But now if you touch my skin...Fuyooooo macam Baby.....lembut giler... dah jadi macam ular ..salin kulit.
Last December gak... my family from Ipoh came and stay in my house.... Amirul, P1, Ayeen, Mak, Chik, Nacik and Kak Fuzzy. The kids enjoy la...sebab they manage to do a lot of things.
We took the kits for Fish Spa..... amirul was very brave... tapi kelakar tengok muka all of them.
New year we just stay home and tengok bunga api dari tingkap bilik rumah I je.... jelas and the most giler person is definately Amirul la....so exited. P1 and Amer pun lebih kurang je. Ayeen... too bad dia kena paksa tidor by Tok Nani.... cian dia.. she missed it.
On the 2/1/2009, we celebrated Ayeen's birthday at Victoria Station. I suppost it was a wonderful surprise for her when the staff of Victoria Station came out and sing Happy Birthday to her.... Tiba-tiba dia rebahkan badan dia tak Amer....nasib Amer tak "kuntut" kalau tak pengsan kot.
On 3/1/2009 we went for a wedding in Club Darul Ehsan (Faizal punya daughter)
The food was delicious....siap tambah lagi... tak malu coz kat table tu semua family je....heheehehe
Oh...lupa lak ...Entry ni jugak I nak ucapkan TAHNIAH to MUKRIZ coz dah jadi DADDY on 1/1/2009 . Name baby Mizan Danish.... Honestly I like the name Mizan but not Danish....want to know why.....Danish makes me hungry.... Ayi jangan maraaaaa.... Maksu tau Lily yang pilih name tu.....so cute baby. Ayi... sorry tak gi tengok baby lagi... leceh la kat Klang jauh..lagi pun segan nak gi umah mak Lily... bila Ayi balik Ipoh or on the way balik Dungun maksu will see him.
Amer as you all dah tau start sekolah on Monday 5/1/2009. So maksu pun cuti la hari tu..... saje je....
This week dia dah start belajar and all the koko aktiviti in school. Malam pulak dia ada tuition from 8:00 - 10:00 pm. Cian jugak tengok dia his schedule is so thight...but he still helps me around in the house.
Petang je dia and uncle ziran will go for a swim. Jaga badan konon. Maksu lak will just berendam dalam air....hehhehe
OK la... nak buat kerja sikit. My next post will be pictures.... je ok.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Great Picture
The last time I post picture of my favourite sister in-law, she was very angry......
She said that the picture of hers was ugly and according to her Abang pun agree to it.
Today, I prove that both of them are wrong........

See even Paris Hilton cant resist it ...... She announce it during her recent appreance at the red carpet.
The last time I post picture of my favourite sister in-law, she was very angry......
She said that the picture of hers was ugly and according to her Abang pun agree to it.
Today, I prove that both of them are wrong........

See even Paris Hilton cant resist it ...... She announce it during her recent appreance at the red carpet.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Pictures of Amirul's Berkhatan
Ni gambar masa nak pegi klinik... he was all dress up for the special event... Siap pakai topi dari Indonesia lagi...pinjam Papa nye... but he looks very cute...- control macho...
Ni masa tunggu kat klinik....Amirul dah mula panik and resah coz ada seorang budak gemuk tu asyik menanggis takut... and there is one boy yang dah umur 12 tahun pun takut gak nak bersunat... Amirul was the 3rd. boy to go in...
We have to wait almost 1 hour before his turn....
This was immediately after the bersunat... he was all smilling. Tak sakit lagi coz ubat bius tu masih berfungsi...So gladly he pose for this picture...
We have to wait almost 1 hour before his turn....
But his only concern was that he got to pakai seluar dalam forever and ever... and for Amirul this is something not good. He was a bit worry and upset about that....heheehhe
Ni maksu dalam kerete... posing dengan handphone baru Nokia N95 yang uncle ziran menang during golf competition last 2 weeks.... Hahahah I got a new phone... canggih but I tak tau gune sangat lagi.. still new to me..

Ni la gambar smartklam yang di gunakan untuk Amirul masa dia bersunat last week.
Very easy and simple procedure. ....... but I guess still painfull coz Amirul still cry a bit.
Yang ni pulak gambar amirul taken after cucuk ubat kebas... if you notice the hidung ada ala-ala badut sikit due to the cry earlier. But still dia boleh control macho to pose for all of us...
According to Daddy (ayah cik) he was much better than Fizuan ...
Friday, November 7, 2008
5 Simple Rules to be Happy
Amer's 12th. birthday celebration... (08/10/2008)
Wow..nampak je banyak kek... but it was actually Hari Raya Open House nye kek... cian .
But I think he does not mind... buat apa membazir nak beli kek lain when we had a lot of cake given by friends during Raya.... lol..lol.... bukan kedekut tau..

Why I post the birthday picture now... is because I feel the things that I'm writting after this is a valuable advise not only for Amer but everyone.... So Amer, Ayeen, P1 and all the young ones if you are reading this... practise this in life... For the senior ones... start now...still not too late.
Wow..nampak je banyak kek... but it was actually Hari Raya Open House nye kek... cian .
But I think he does not mind... buat apa membazir nak beli kek lain when we had a lot of cake given by friends during Raya.... lol..lol.... bukan kedekut tau..
I had a very good conversation with an old friend over lunch today. We have not seen each other for years. The last was during my wedding - 13 years ago. We talk about so many things but one that facinate me most was on her 5 simple rules on how to be happy...
1 ) Free your heart from hatred
2) Free your mind from worries
3) Live simply
4) Give More
5) Expect Less
What do you think.???
She said that no one can go back and make a new start. But anyone can start now and make a brand new ending. God didn't promise day without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.
That is why, when you feel down because you didn't get what you want, just sit tight and be happy, because God is thinking of something better to give you. When something happen to you, good or bad, consider what it means. There's a purpose to any life's events. To teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard... Very true....
You can't make someone to love you. But all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the other party to realise your worth.
When you truly care for someone you don't look for his or her faults.
You don't look for answer. You don't look for his or her mistake. Instead you fight the mistake, you accept the faults and you overlook the excuss. In other words ... you give more and expect less in any relationship.. and you will be bless with happiness.
1 ) Free your heart from hatred
2) Free your mind from worries
3) Live simply
4) Give More
5) Expect Less
What do you think.???
She said that no one can go back and make a new start. But anyone can start now and make a brand new ending. God didn't promise day without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.
That is why, when you feel down because you didn't get what you want, just sit tight and be happy, because God is thinking of something better to give you. When something happen to you, good or bad, consider what it means. There's a purpose to any life's events. To teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard... Very true....
You can't make someone to love you. But all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the other party to realise your worth.
When you truly care for someone you don't look for his or her faults.
You don't look for answer. You don't look for his or her mistake. Instead you fight the mistake, you accept the faults and you overlook the excuss. In other words ... you give more and expect less in any relationship.. and you will be bless with happiness.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Opah's Birthday
We actually plan to take Aunty Nap for buka puasa but since it was not possible due to busy schedule during the fasting month.... myself, Amer and Haziran decided we would take her out for Hari Raya dinner.... and since it was her birthday on 25/10 we decided to do it together. ... (safe budget... 2 in one kind of thing)
She wanted to eat Western....so we went to Victoria Station... and celebrate both Raya and birthday... with a very-very small birthday cake....
Birthday girl...a.k.a posing in front of the birthday cake.... Siap ada candle lagi... hehehe
Simple but nice...
She wanted to eat Western....so we went to Victoria Station... and celebrate both Raya and birthday... with a very-very small birthday cake....
Simple but nice...
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