Eeewww .. another stinking day at the office...(lol..lol...) The smell of the paint & tinner is killing me....
Dr Kaldai has conveniently make an appointment outside the office.... , Maya as usually on MC and Thean....is just could not be bother to come in the office anymore...(lol..lol..) tomorrow is her last day.... (lol..lol.. I'd probably do the same if tomorrow is my last day at work...)
So I'm left all alone in this stinking office. But it's OK... I will take day or two off next week..... (he..he..he..)
Need to settle some things first... will be right back..
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
So..so..so tired.
I need a rest indeed. So..so..so tired. Almost every night I slept around 1:00 am to finish up the orders for Raya cookies and be up again between 4:30 am to 5:30 am to prepare for sahur. Amer and Haziran usually will have something simple with Herbalife shake...
Last, Friday... I overslept and we all miss the sahur... Today, I woke up late.....5:00am. So can you image...(lol..lol.. like charlie chaplin working in the kitchen...hahaha) Haziran was upset coz according to him the alarm clock was thicking right next to me ....and I was still sound asleep. I guess I was just too tired.... I had so many things in my mind .... that I could not really sleep in peace....
Anyway.... forget about the sahur..... (lol...lol..)
Lupa nak cerita ... my boss has got another name now.... (since last Monday actually...)
He is now officially known as .........
Don't ask why..... coz if you ask than you should join him. Obviously... KALDAI is for stupid idiot....
Oh.. by the way, Dr Kaldai is getting his own "KANDANG" soon. We are now doing some renovation at the office to accomodate him.
I'm getting sick ..... with the smell of paint and the loud sound of knocking......it's really miserable here in the office. I wish I could go home and just have a nap for an hour or two ....and later continue with my baking... or maybe clean up the house.... especially the clothes...
Got to go now.... I just heard Dr Kaldai calling...... will continue later
Last, Friday... I overslept and we all miss the sahur... Today, I woke up late.....5:00am. So can you image...(lol..lol.. like charlie chaplin working in the kitchen...hahaha) Haziran was upset coz according to him the alarm clock was thicking right next to me ....and I was still sound asleep. I guess I was just too tired.... I had so many things in my mind .... that I could not really sleep in peace....
Anyway.... forget about the sahur..... (lol...lol..)
Lupa nak cerita ... my boss has got another name now.... (since last Monday actually...)
He is now officially known as .........
Don't ask why..... coz if you ask than you should join him. Obviously... KALDAI is for stupid idiot....
Oh.. by the way, Dr Kaldai is getting his own "KANDANG" soon. We are now doing some renovation at the office to accomodate him.
I'm getting sick ..... with the smell of paint and the loud sound of knocking......it's really miserable here in the office. I wish I could go home and just have a nap for an hour or two ....and later continue with my baking... or maybe clean up the house.... especially the clothes...
Got to go now.... I just heard Dr Kaldai calling...... will continue later
Friday, September 12, 2008
Ha..Ha..Ha.. (Mel...can you still remember the words .....)
Me and the girls int he computer room...
This is Princess Nina Jasmine.... (lol...lol.. not clear la.....) perhaps Myra need to snap a clearer picture of my favourite little JJ...
Who is this ?????? Me and Myra.... or Me and Mira..... (lol..Lol...) I think it's Myra.
P/S - Thank you very much Myra for all the pictures...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
This post is dedicated to both Amer Eizwann & Syed Fizuan.
Well..... A person with your skill, talent and brains doesn't need luck ..... but just to be on the safe side........GOOD LUCK...anyway.
Mama & Papa
P/S - If you guys get good results....belanja OK...
This post is dedicated to both Amer Eizwann & Syed Fizuan.
Well..... A person with your skill, talent and brains doesn't need luck ..... but just to be on the safe side........GOOD LUCK...anyway.
Mama & Papa
P/S - If you guys get good results....belanja OK...
Syed Amirul Ariff...
Amirul..... jangan marahhhhh nanti cepat tua..... hahahahha
Gambar-gambar yang lain is the look of my house right now....
Wowwwww.....so messy with all the cookies ..... It's all over the place.....
At the Hall / Dining Area
At the kitchen entrance
lol...lol...lol... (nak bayar hutang la...)
I definately need to mention the "bayar hutang" coz otherwise.... all the anak sedara will start demanding for more duit raya..... especially the one in UK..... (I'm afraid that she might even claim consultation fees for teaching me how to start blogging....... tapi rasanya tak kot..... my anak sedara semua baik-baik.. ) hehehe....
Kitchen Area
OK la... nak concentrate on my cookies now.....
Friday, September 5, 2008
Wonderfull Chat
Yesterday....I had the most amazing chat with my neices and nephew. It lasted for hours....If not mistaken it started at around 10:30 am with my nephew and later join by the others .....and when we realise it was time to go back home.....lol...lol.... (in other words...semalam kat office keja gaji buta je you.....heheheheh...) well at least until about 3:00 pm. Coz at 3:00 pm Dr Siamang call me to discuss some issues. Whan to know who is Dr Siamang.....!!! I promise I will blog about him some other time.
I was like a mad women smiling and laughing alone in front of the PC. Everyone had so much fun. So many funny stories to tell. We also made fun of Didi who's just learning to use the PC.
Ayooo!!!!! tak sangka I ada anak sedara yang so "Rabun IT"......her respond was soooooo slow, but being part of the family..... she later pick up rather good... in fact she can even include in some animation...lol...lol coming from Didi...it's amazing....
Jangan mareeee ahhhh.... I know she probably reading this and say .......
Didi : Kurang asam punya maksu.....kutuk ye
Me : Nasib la...maksu nye blog....maksunye suka la....
Didi : Wait...nanti nak suruh Ayi ajar buat blog pulak
and if Ayi read this....which I think he would.....
Ayi : Kirim salam......tak dapat nak nolong nye....heheheh
Yesterday, we had buka puasa invitation with Deja Moss.... I suppose like thank you dinner for those who help out during her wedding recently. The food was very nice. The place was amazingly beautiful...the surrounding was like as if we were in Bali..... (walaupun tak pernah pegi...)
The "bengkang ubi kayu" was so...so...delicious... lembut and lemak
Amer had the ikan keli bakar......his the only one in my family yang makan ikan keli...(all because of Didi.... dia yang ajar Amer makan... and now if he feels like eating ikan keli ...myself and Haziran have to take him to the nearest Nasi Padang Restaurant... either Puti Bungsu or Sari Ratu.... lol...lol)
Enough about fooddddddddddddddd........making me hungry.... (for sahur yesterday I only had 1 cup of Milo....sob..sob....)
I'm actually rushing to finish up this posting coz my "evil" anak sedara - fazreen is waiting for me to call her...rather sms her my blog address....
Since she's so eager to read my blog.....I will tell a bit about her.... (in point form...ok easier lol...lol)
1. Full Name Sharifah Fazreen.....I call her Ayeen.
2. 14 years old....
3. Preety looking girl....but never want to wear skirt (...lol..lol..)
4. Just straighten her hair.... (according to her naughty but cute little brother she looks like
Ibraham Lincon now...) ...lol..lol can't wait to see her..
5. Very caring person.... she will be the only anak sedara yang call / sms me almost every day.
6. My spy ...(he..he..he..)
7. Like to eat a lot but never get fat
8. Very funny at times
9. Like to disturb her little brother Amirul (that is why he calls her the "evil sister")
10. Lastly.......she's not good at making Egg Sandwich.....
Will post her picture some other time......
Da.... got to go now....hubby waiting at the lobby .... I'm going home...
Yesterday....I had the most amazing chat with my neices and nephew. It lasted for hours....If not mistaken it started at around 10:30 am with my nephew and later join by the others .....and when we realise it was time to go back home.....lol...lol.... (in other words...semalam kat office keja gaji buta je you.....heheheheh...) well at least until about 3:00 pm. Coz at 3:00 pm Dr Siamang call me to discuss some issues. Whan to know who is Dr Siamang.....!!! I promise I will blog about him some other time.
I was like a mad women smiling and laughing alone in front of the PC. Everyone had so much fun. So many funny stories to tell. We also made fun of Didi who's just learning to use the PC.
Ayooo!!!!! tak sangka I ada anak sedara yang so "Rabun IT"......her respond was soooooo slow, but being part of the family..... she later pick up rather good... in fact she can even include in some animation...lol...lol coming from Didi...it's amazing....
Jangan mareeee ahhhh.... I know she probably reading this and say .......
Didi : Kurang asam punya maksu.....kutuk ye
Me : Nasib la...maksu nye blog....maksunye suka la....
Didi : Wait...nanti nak suruh Ayi ajar buat blog pulak
and if Ayi read this....which I think he would.....
Ayi : Kirim salam......tak dapat nak nolong nye....heheheh
Yesterday, we had buka puasa invitation with Deja Moss.... I suppose like thank you dinner for those who help out during her wedding recently. The food was very nice. The place was amazingly beautiful...the surrounding was like as if we were in Bali..... (walaupun tak pernah pegi...)
The "bengkang ubi kayu" was so...so...delicious... lembut and lemak
Amer had the ikan keli bakar......his the only one in my family yang makan ikan keli...(all because of Didi.... dia yang ajar Amer makan... and now if he feels like eating ikan keli ...myself and Haziran have to take him to the nearest Nasi Padang Restaurant... either Puti Bungsu or Sari Ratu.... lol...lol)
Enough about fooddddddddddddddd........making me hungry.... (for sahur yesterday I only had 1 cup of Milo....sob..sob....)
I'm actually rushing to finish up this posting coz my "evil" anak sedara - fazreen is waiting for me to call her...rather sms her my blog address....
Since she's so eager to read my blog.....I will tell a bit about her.... (in point form...ok easier lol...lol)
1. Full Name Sharifah Fazreen.....I call her Ayeen.
2. 14 years old....
3. Preety looking girl....but never want to wear skirt (...lol..lol..)
4. Just straighten her hair.... (according to her naughty but cute little brother she looks like
Ibraham Lincon now...) ...lol..lol can't wait to see her..
5. Very caring person.... she will be the only anak sedara yang call / sms me almost every day.
6. My spy ...(he..he..he..)
7. Like to eat a lot but never get fat
8. Very funny at times
9. Like to disturb her little brother Amirul (that is why he calls her the "evil sister")
10. Lastly.......she's not good at making Egg Sandwich.....
Will post her picture some other time......
Da.... got to go now....hubby waiting at the lobby .... I'm going home...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Selamat Berpuasa di Bulan Mulia
Dah lama rasanya tak blog...yea.. (lol...lol) been very ...very busy. So let me try and re-cap what had happened in the last couple of days....
August 29, 2008
Took 1/2 day annual leave last Friday. Had to do some cleaning up in the house.....I'm the maid now remember!!!! lol...lol...
Well anyway it was not that bad... afterall . Manage to fold up all the cloths, sweep & mop the floor...etc...
Hubby was at home tu..., we decided to stay in Menara Bangsar for the short public holiday break ...."release stress konon" lol...lol...coz it's also nearer to the wedding venue which we suppose to attend on Saturday. By the way it's Deja Moss's wedding. Haziran is the MC for the wedding and I'm suppose to help out with the bunga telur and anak yatim...
Amer had his tuition with his favourite teacher Murthy from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm. We left Melawati around 5:30 pm......but drop by at Jaya Jusco first coz Amer wanted to buy the shoe for TOK-TOK 's birthday gift. From there we proceed to Kg. Kerinci ....last minute alteration of my baju kurung for Deja Moss's wedding. From Kg. Kerinchi we straight go to Nina's house coz mummy & daddy are waiting for us to go out for dinner together. We had dinner at Montes - BSC . Food was nice. (Pre birthday dinner for Daddy and belated for mummy ... two in one kind of thing) . After dinner we went back to Nina's house to help out with the bunga telur (apples actually) - biasa la wedding melayu....mesti kena ikat-ikat riben.
Haziran was not feeling too good....flu, fever etc..... nervous nak jadi MC...hehehe... so he went back earlier and rest ..... which he end up watching TV coz dia ingat I tak de kunci apartment...
As for me..... lol...lol carry on doing the apple with mummy & daddy until about 12:00 midnight.
Of coz Deja & Andy... came with a few others to help out...... This is the first time I tengok pengantin lelaki ikat riben for the bunga telur...kelakar...but sweat at the same time.
August 30, 2008
Today is DADDY'S BIRTHDAY. So.... Happy Birthday Daddy.
Today is also NINA & IBRAHIM's wedding anniversary. So... Happy Anniversary
We need to be at the Masjid Wilayah Kuala Lumpur latest between 9:30 am - 10:00 am.. guest coming in at 10:30 am. The akad nikah suppose to be at 11:00am. All meet up at Nina's house first as plan during the meeting....
Meet up with Bob AF2, Sharifah Zarina, Izwan Filus, ....and a few others coz they are suppose to carry the dulang hantaran together with Amer, Mira & Myra.
The wedding went according to plan .... and the food was OK. Did not take any picture coz there were too many press / media snapping photographs..... ayo ...yo... susah giler...lol...lol.....
I even miss the opportunity to snap a picture with Anuar Zain......urrrgggghhhhlololol lol...lol..lol he was just as busy as the bride and bridegroom..... sibuk la makcik-makcik semua nak bergambar dengan Anuar Zain....
In the evening, Amer had tuition with teacher Murthy....cian dia.
Later for dinner, we all went to Mandi-Mandi restaurant in Ampang... very nice & exclusive restaurant...in the jungle (beautiful landscape....) Deja & Andy, Rizman & family, & Amy joined us there. .....Thank you mummy for settling the bill ... according to mummy it's a 3 in one celebration dinner - Daddy's birthday, Nina & Ibrahim's wedding anniversary & Deja & Andy wedding dinner gift......hahaha....
By the time we finish dinner it was MERDEKA celebration already. The highway was pack with cars stopping by the roadside to see the fireworks. Everybody was too exausted to see anything.... I think all tertidor in the car except for mummy and haziran....(obviously coz his doing the driving...lol...lol)
August 31, 2008
Bangun lambat sikit coz letih semalam tak habis lagi.... went for breakfast with Daddy at around 11:00 am....(lol...lol..lol....) by the time food sampai dah kira lunch dah...
Just rest kat apartment ......the whole day.
At night we went to Masjid Wilayah for Tarawih together with Nina and family....and straight back to Melawati....(home sweet home....)
September 1, 2008
Today is NINA JASMINE"S BIRTHDAY. So....Happy Birthday JJ.
Bangun pagi ....straight pegi kedai ambik / beli barang-barang untuk buat kuih....
and than.... kemas dapur sikit ......dah letih....lol...lol... maklumlah first day berpuasa...
Petang ....pegi bazaar ramadhan beli lauk sikit untuk berbuka....
Just masak sayur and goreng telur je untuk Amer & Haziran... yang lain beli coz letih...& MALAS....lol...lol
Malam.... pegi tarawih....
Dah lama rasanya tak blog...yea.. (lol...lol) been very ...very busy. So let me try and re-cap what had happened in the last couple of days....
August 29, 2008
Took 1/2 day annual leave last Friday. Had to do some cleaning up in the house.....I'm the maid now remember!!!! lol...lol...
Well anyway it was not that bad... afterall . Manage to fold up all the cloths, sweep & mop the floor...etc...
Hubby was at home tu..., we decided to stay in Menara Bangsar for the short public holiday break ...."release stress konon" lol...lol...coz it's also nearer to the wedding venue which we suppose to attend on Saturday. By the way it's Deja Moss's wedding. Haziran is the MC for the wedding and I'm suppose to help out with the bunga telur and anak yatim...
Amer had his tuition with his favourite teacher Murthy from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm. We left Melawati around 5:30 pm......but drop by at Jaya Jusco first coz Amer wanted to buy the shoe for TOK-TOK 's birthday gift. From there we proceed to Kg. Kerinci ....last minute alteration of my baju kurung for Deja Moss's wedding. From Kg. Kerinchi we straight go to Nina's house coz mummy & daddy are waiting for us to go out for dinner together. We had dinner at Montes - BSC . Food was nice. (Pre birthday dinner for Daddy and belated for mummy ... two in one kind of thing) . After dinner we went back to Nina's house to help out with the bunga telur (apples actually) - biasa la wedding melayu....mesti kena ikat-ikat riben.
Haziran was not feeling too good....flu, fever etc..... nervous nak jadi MC...hehehe... so he went back earlier and rest ..... which he end up watching TV coz dia ingat I tak de kunci apartment...
As for me..... lol...lol carry on doing the apple with mummy & daddy until about 12:00 midnight.
Of coz Deja & Andy... came with a few others to help out...... This is the first time I tengok pengantin lelaki ikat riben for the bunga telur...kelakar...but sweat at the same time.
August 30, 2008
Today is DADDY'S BIRTHDAY. So.... Happy Birthday Daddy.
Today is also NINA & IBRAHIM's wedding anniversary. So... Happy Anniversary
We need to be at the Masjid Wilayah Kuala Lumpur latest between 9:30 am - 10:00 am.. guest coming in at 10:30 am. The akad nikah suppose to be at 11:00am. All meet up at Nina's house first as plan during the meeting....
Meet up with Bob AF2, Sharifah Zarina, Izwan Filus, ....and a few others coz they are suppose to carry the dulang hantaran together with Amer, Mira & Myra.
The wedding went according to plan .... and the food was OK. Did not take any picture coz there were too many press / media snapping photographs..... ayo ...yo... susah giler...lol...lol.....
I even miss the opportunity to snap a picture with Anuar Zain......urrrgggghhhhlololol lol...lol..lol he was just as busy as the bride and bridegroom..... sibuk la makcik-makcik semua nak bergambar dengan Anuar Zain....
In the evening, Amer had tuition with teacher Murthy....cian dia.
Later for dinner, we all went to Mandi-Mandi restaurant in Ampang... very nice & exclusive restaurant...in the jungle (beautiful landscape....) Deja & Andy, Rizman & family, & Amy joined us there. .....Thank you mummy for settling the bill ... according to mummy it's a 3 in one celebration dinner - Daddy's birthday, Nina & Ibrahim's wedding anniversary & Deja & Andy wedding dinner gift......hahaha....
By the time we finish dinner it was MERDEKA celebration already. The highway was pack with cars stopping by the roadside to see the fireworks. Everybody was too exausted to see anything.... I think all tertidor in the car except for mummy and haziran....(obviously coz his doing the driving...lol...lol)
August 31, 2008
Bangun lambat sikit coz letih semalam tak habis lagi.... went for breakfast with Daddy at around 11:00 am....(lol...lol..lol....) by the time food sampai dah kira lunch dah...
Just rest kat apartment ......the whole day.
At night we went to Masjid Wilayah for Tarawih together with Nina and family....and straight back to Melawati....(home sweet home....)
September 1, 2008
Today is NINA JASMINE"S BIRTHDAY. So....Happy Birthday JJ.
Bangun pagi ....straight pegi kedai ambik / beli barang-barang untuk buat kuih....
and than.... kemas dapur sikit ......dah letih....lol...lol... maklumlah first day berpuasa...
Petang ....pegi bazaar ramadhan beli lauk sikit untuk berbuka....
Just masak sayur and goreng telur je untuk Amer & Haziran... yang lain beli coz letih...& MALAS....lol...lol
Malam.... pegi tarawih....
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